"The idea is not to block every shot. The idea is to make your opponent believe that you might block every shot."

- Bill Russell

Monday, February 28, 2011

Jonesboro Shootings

1. The Jonesboro shooting happened on March 224, 1998, at Westside Middle School in Arkansas.

2. A total of five people were killed, four female students and a teacher.

3. The two gunsmen were 13 and 11 years old.

4. The two kids stole the guns that ehy had from their grandparent's house.

5. The two kids were among the youngest people ever charged with murder in American history.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Clippers Trade Baron Davis to Cavaliers for Mo Williams, Jamario Moon

The Clippers are trying to keep up with all of the big time trades that have been happening this week, such as Carmelo Anthony and Deron Williams. Well, they didn't get someone of that standard, but they did receive Mo Williams and Jamario Moon for the price of an un-happy point guard in Baron Davis, and a 2011 first round pick. It should really help out what the Clippers are trying to do with their young and fast-paced style of attack. Now they will be able to play rookie point guard, Eric Bledsoe, who has a lot of talent, and still be able to have Mo Williams play, who was an all-star last year. I think that the trade the Clippers have made may push them over the edge, and help them get the seven or eight seed in the upcoming NBA Playoffs.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

First Amendment Notes

1. What are the 5 freedoms of the 1st amendment?

Right to Assembly
Petition the government

2. What is the Tinker Standard?

Tinker v. Des Moines School District (1969)
Doesn't disrupt school/class

3. What is the Frasier Standard?

Bethel School District v. Fraser (1986)
Vulgar or indecent

4. What is the Hazelwood Standard?

Hazelwood School District v. Kuhlmeier (1988)
You can censor student expression, if it has a teaching concern

5. What is the Frederick Standard?

Morse v. Frederick (2002)
He said he was off school property, thus coudn't be suspended
Cannot be punished when you are not on school grounds, or they canot censor you outside of school

6. What is the definition of libel?

Defamatory, it must be more than insulting or offensive. It must actually harm the reputation of another person
- A defamatory statement
- Published to at least one other person (other than the plantiff)
- Of and concerning the plantiff
- False statement of fact
- Made with fault
False statements of fact about somebody.

Facebook photos land Eden Prairie kids in trouble

Which court standard did someone follow or break in your article?
I think the Frederick Standard, because they were not in school wehn this happened, or when they should have been punished.

Do you agree with the decisions in your article?
I agree with what the kids are arguing for, but they should be punished.
What do you feel should have been done in this instance?
They should get a minor suspesnion from sports, but it shouldn't ruin their lives.

What do you feel will be the future of rights in today's digital age?
The government will start to be more strict about pictures on the computer or phones, solely based on what they hink is the right thing to do.

What rights do you have inside of school?
In most cases, freedom of speech, as long it is not threatening. Also there is freedom of religion as long as it doesn't include anything illegal.

What rights do you have outside of school?
The same rights that everyone in the U.S. has, with all of the freedoms of the First Amendment included.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Wisconsin Power Play

I feel as if Paul Ryan is not the brightest bulb on the Christmas Tree. He did know however how the aspect of what is happening in Madison right now could be compared to what had happened in Cairo. I don't think that the situation will become any better in the near future, solely based on what we have seen happen before in these situations. By trying to get rid of the unions, and the fleeing of some Democrats, has impacted the city and state into utter turmoil. It may be reported that it is all about the budget, but it seems like it is all about the power involved with the governor, and if he doesn't try to make a compromise soon, things could get way out of hand.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Knowledge of the First Amendment

I got 17 out of 30, and I thought I did pretty good considering I haven't studied this all year. I learned it last year, but this was not one of my strong suits...

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Albert Pujols, Cardinals Contract Deadline Passes With No Deal

The deadline for Albert Pujols and the St. Louis Cardinals to reach a new contract agreement passed, and Pujols is still not signed. This makes it likely the three-time MVP will test the free-agent market after the season. To the Cardinal fans, this is quite devastating, because for a middle-income city to have such an all-star as Pujols is rare and they have been very happy with what they have done with him on the team in the past few years. It ended up coming down to money, after Pujols wanted almost $30 million a year, which would have easily made him the highest payed player in the majors. While many consider him one of the greatest hitters of his era, $30 million is still a lot of money, and for one single player, too much. He will be making a mere $14 million this year, and will likely test the free agent market at the upcoming offseason, in search of a new home, and more money than anyone in the baseball world has seen come in, in one year before.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Brazil's Ronaldo announces retirement from soccer

Everyone remembers when the greatest athlete of a sport retires, and yesterday was no different. The soccer great, Ronaldo, age 34, annouinced his retirement from soccer yesterday, after 18 years in the sport. In his career, he won FIFA player of the year three times, and is the all-time leading goal scorer in World Cup History. He will always be remembered as one of the greatest soccer players of all-time, if not the greatest. Also, his goals were not just goals, they were amazing. He bent them around many defenders, and left many goalies dumbfounded throughout his career, and he will always be remembered for his great ability.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Wild finally feeling at home at the X

Last night, the Minnesota Wild took on the Colorado Avalanche at the mighty Xcel Energy Center, and they won in a closely heated battle, 3-2. It was an important game to the team, as of now they are 8th in the Western Conference, the last place to get into the playoffs. It was also quite an important game to Andrew Brunette, who had recently played in his 1,000th career game, and last night, he got his celebration that he deserved. This was his 1,003rd game, but their first home game since he got the accomplishments. In the pre-game, they had a bunch of well known friends and teammates of "Bruno" say how proud of him they were, and his parents and wife got some gifts for him, as did his teammates. Overall a great night for the team, and "Bruno".

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

UConn QB’s trick-shot video

Johnny McEntee, the Universtiy of Conneticut's quaterback this past year, can do more then just throw to his teammates. Recently, he posted a 4:50 video of him and his teammates setting up sick trick shots, and Johnny hitting them every time. If you want the link, look below, and I really recommend  it. It was pretty entertaining to see just an every day guy, playing what he loves, and still having fun with it. In the video, you see him throwing the ball to; open a door from 30 yards away, hitting a billiars cue stick and hitting it into a ball and hiting into a pocket, and also has him up at the top of a dome, and throwing the ball into a bucket at the 40 yard line down below. If you want to see this great quarterback showing off his talents,you can click on link below.


Tuesday, February 8, 2011

College Coach Donates Kidney to Baseball Player

In this heart-warming story, it shows the bond between a coach and his players on, and off, a baseball field. In January of 2010, Kevin Jordan, a freshman at the University of Wake Forest was diagnosed with ANCA vasculitis, which causes his white blood cells to attack healthy body tissues. He was drafted by the New York Yankees, but had already made a commitment to Wake Forest, so he decided to go tehre. After hearing about the diesease, they realized that he needed a new kidney, but sadly, none of his family was a match. So then Kevin's baseball coach, Tom Walter, heard about the news, and oddly enough, he was a match. So without a second to waste, he told Kevin that he would be happy to give him a kidney. After this, they organized the surgeries and last we heard, they went well, and Kevin is doing good. Walter should eb ready for their Feb. 18 opener, while Kevin is hoping to be able to do light weight lifting soon, and get back into shape. It truly is a touching story.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Super Bowl Convo

What is the company?
Who is the target audience:

Adults who can buy cars, 16-50
Adults who can buy cars, 30-50
Anyone that wants chips, 5-100
What persuasive method used (humor, action, celebrity, human interest, etc.)?

Action, and a tour of the city, celebrity
Humor, little kid, Darth Vader
Humor, Human Interest
How were camera shots and editing used to enhance the message?

They showed the car looking good, compared to the gloomy city
They showed the kid trying to use the force, then he tried it on the car and his dad could turn it on with his keychain
They showed the views of him breaking everything
What is the slogan/message for the company?
The Chrysler 200 has arrived, Imported from Detroit
The new volkswagon
There is none
Was the message effective? Why or why not?
I think so, but it was a little too long
Yes, it showed how a car commercial could be funny
Yes, they used humor and hyperbole to describe Doritos

Super Bowl Ads

This year to me, was a year of not so good ads. Overall, there was probably 5 legitimate ones all Super Bowl. I really liked the Doritos ones, the careerbuilder.com one, the Pepsi Max one with the wife and husband, and the one with Ozzy Osbourne and Justin Bieber. To me, those were the ones that actually made me laugh, and frankly, I'm a little disappointed in this year's commercials. Last year, there were at least 10 commercials that really made me laugh, and this year, really let me down. Hopefully they can come back strong next year, and maybe have a little less car commercials.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Obsessions: It's good to be a Smith kid

If you think Will Smith was a big deal, you should take a look at his kids accomplishments! It started when Jaden, Will's son, starred in the movie "Karate Kid", with Jackie Chan. It was a remake of an old classic, and it hit it huge! They ended up with a gross of $359 million in total! On the soundtrack of that movie, there was a song by Justin Bieber that also showed off Jaden's rapping skills in it. Then there is Willow Smith, the younger sister of Jaden, who released her number one hit, "Whip My Hair". She will be going on tour with "The Biebs", just like Jaden will be going to the Grammys to perform in his song with Usher and Justin Bieber this February 13th. So as you can see, it must be pretty good to be a Smith kid.

Thursday, February 3, 2011


Allen, Lucas H - Knows how to swing dance
Blanchard, Derek J - Cheerleader from Australia
Boese, Sara M - German
Brazelton, Keely R - 32 siblings
Buchanan, Tiarra S - Likes Chowder and the color purple
Carlson, Devony R - Was in a hospital commercial as a baby
Cordova, Christian J - Wants to be a forensic scientist
Cox, Derrick D - Takes vehicle class at Rosemount
Devries, Peter T - Genius
Erickson, Nathaniel P - Hit a hole-in-one
Felker, Marisa L - Going to be a foreign exchange student in Sweden
Fraki, Hannah R - Knows how to knit
Groskreutz, Jackson H - Role model is Lohn Lennan
Jones, Nadia S - Has 9 siblings
Kading, Caroline E - Sophomore year almost died in car accident
Kane, William M - Goes by middle name
Lafontaine, Kristin D - Has a hyper extended spine
Lesch, John R - Plays bagpipes
Mcgroarty, Cody J - World Cahmpionship Cheerleading team in Alabama
Mitchell, Alexander C - Irish and Scottish
Morrissey, Gretta E - Cross 1 eye, whistle with fingers
Pelant, Benjamin M - Has diabetes
Rasugu, Billy P - Writes his own music
Reagles, Alex J - Hardcore snowboarder
Rosario, Brian L - Going to be a Marine, then be in the State Patrol
Schiebel, Derek M - Played baseball in Cooperstown
Schlotfeldt, Katherine A - Has a volcano in leg
Smith, Madison B - Twist her arm all the way around
Strusz, Ashley E - On TV for a dance recital
Sytchev, Vladislav - Came from Russia, then Canada
Thompson, Collin P - He is a twin
Wangler, Matthew J - Broke his nose
White, Hannah Y - Born in Redwood, California
Wunderlich, Benjamin D - Born in Chicago on the hottest day of the year
Zemien, Brianna J - 100% Polish

Cavaliers: Worst Team Ever?

The Cavaliers are in one of the worst slumps in pro sports history. Ever since LeBron James left this summer, they have ben having a terrible season. They are in the midst of a 22 games losing streak as I post this very post. Will it ever stop? It appears that they should win a game some time, but you never know. It could be their next game, their game next week, next month, maybe we will have to wait until next season! At the moment they are 8-41, and are on pace for a 14-68 season. That will be the worst in team history by far, and lead to a very disappointed GM, who promised a championship without the great James. Well, it sure won't happen this year, and if this year is any indication, they will not be winning one anytime soon...